"So what exactly can I do with CSE?"
It gives you power to effectively moderate comments. So please, empathize with the connections made on your Page and pay attention to the comments!
Common Sense Empathy organizes the data Facebook — and tho still in beta, Instagram — provides to Page owners through the API (application programming interface). This data is organized to assist with:
tracking each user’s interactions (comments and reactions) on your page
moderation of comments
automated moderation actions based on metadata (no pun intended)
custom audience creation for Ads
exporting data to a csv
and more!
You can have numerous Pages connected to CSE, though the data is not connected amongst different Pages; a user commenting on Page1 does not have their interactions on Page2 - which you also have connected to CSE - shown together. Data is Page level, not account level.
Custom Audience creation is done on your Ad Account. These audiences can be created based on classifications or reaction type. You can also use the exported data to build your own custom audiences and upload them directly to Facebook yourself. It will have a 100% match rate, as the unique page id number Facebook provides for each user will match their account 100% of the time, unlike a name or email address, which doesn’t.
Exported data is yours, as you are the Page owner. Interactions on Pages are advertising data, as Pages are fundamentally advertising products.
There are many strategies on how to best customize and use these tools. It all depends on the desired use case — be it hiding all comments on an ad (which I would not recommend) or auto-moderating new users more strictly, to excluding the “Haha” trolls from future ads or building lookalike audiences off of them, to having some background information for potential customers or voters for direct outreach, to simply better understanding who the most active are and following along with the conversations — CSE provides you with the tools, and how you use it is up to you!
So what does CSE do?
It provides you with the tools to better secure, optimize, and use your Facebook Page. Don’t forget, social media is not a microphone, it is a connector. How those connections are managed is where the power lies.
Reach out to signup <at> csempathy <dot> app if you’d like to give it a try.
I learned about you from the Worker's Circle newsletter and I had to read the article because I am also a Brodsky. :) Yasher koach on all your good works. I would also be interested in hearing more about your Levittown project. (I studied the growth of cities and urban sprawl in college.)